2014 Color Illustration Directory PDF Finally the 2014 Color Illustration Directory featuring the art of 29 CBIG 2014 members. As the theme of our 2014 Color was the 4 seasons, members were asked to submit 1 image for any 1 of the seasons for the cover. We then asked our members to vote on the illustrations that they felt were the best for the season. The cover winners are for: Fall - Allyn Howard , Winter - Melissa Iwai , Spring - Jason Kirschner , Summer - Yuko Katakawa . Many of the remaining cover submissions were used throughout the book as spot art on the table of contents and member index pages. Please click on the thumbnails of the 2014 Color Illustration Directory and/or the 2014 Black & White Illustration Directory in the sidebar to flip through the PDF booklets. Please go to CBIG-NYC.com to see more of our illustrators art. Upcoming posts will feature the 39 promo pages in the...