Vicky Rubin - Book Expo America auction piece

The Tailors and the Snail, Mother Goose Rhyme
This is my donation for the Children's Book Silent Auction at Book Expo. It's to raise funds to fight children's book censorship. There is also a weeklong online silent auction beginning May 18. The print illustrates the Mother Goose rhyme The Tailors and the Snail. To read the rhyme on my Web site, click here.

Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are was banned when it came out for its new and, for the times, disturbing content, and he battled with editors for four years over the content before they agreed to publish it. Read about the censorship here. His In the Night Kitchen has also been frequently challenged because of its depiction of nudity.That's why book lovers need to continue this fight. Here is info about the auction:


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