Diana Ting Delosh

3 Good Friends - Skunk, Bear & Bunny 
Ink & Watercolor
© Diana Ting Delosh

This is  pg 28 of my picture book dummy and manuscript, Bunny Apples that I'm currently shopping around to the publishing houses. My dummy is mainly made up of loose sketches with a few finished illustrations to show how I envision the book. 

Please take a gander at my website at dianadelosh.com or my blog at dtdelosh.blogspot.com


Ginger*:) said…
I am loving this. Bears are close to my heart, and this painting has always brought a tender feeling with it. The treatment of the bear's coat is especially inviting. I just want to reach out and sink my hands into that fur coat of his. Great work!
Di said…
Thanks Ginger. We both seem to love bears.

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